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An invitation for you!

Sister Heather Claseman

Ward Communications Specialist

On March 15th, 2020 we experienced and implemented a couple of "Firsts" as a ward. The most prominent was that this was the First Sunday that Sacrament Meeting was suspended in our area and we were unable to meet as a ward family. I'm not sure if anyone realized the length of time and the impact of not meeting together would have. This was also the day that our Bishop, Ward Leaders and Members started to share a Daily Spiritual Thought with us.

This is the first thought that our Bishop shared with us that day.

That was 112 Days ago!

We have been so blessed to hear inspirational, uplifting and encouraging words from so many members in a Leadership roll in our Ward. We have had our Ward Music Director share a Hymn and it's history with us each week, The Primary Chorister share Primary Songs and a heartfelt letter to continue teaching our children, our Bishopric and the Organizational Presidency Members along with Youth and the Ward missionaries have each taken time to reach out and try to keep us connected by sharing each day. And more recently those that spoke in Sacrament Meeting willingly shared their talks so that all of the members could partake of the blessings of their words and thoughts. I have not only benefited by reading these posts on a daily basis but I have been able to receive a double blessing by drafting these thoughts to share with each of you. So many tears have been spilt on my keyboard as I read and feel the words shared by our ward members and then again as I re-read those same words the days that they are shared. I am so grateful for the time and willingness that everyone has offered by sharing. I know that it is not easy to find time, to open ourselves up and to actually share those things that we are prompted to share. I would like to personally thank each person that has shared with us.

I asked Bishop Keeler what his thoughts where and why he choose to start sharing a thought with us each day, this was his response:

As we are isolated in this unique time, I feel it's very import that the Ward be able to reach out to one another. One of the best ways we can reach out is to share a spiritual thought or spiritual experience that we have had. I encourage everyone to share something, some little nugget, or special experience that will uplift the members of the Washington 11th Ward. ~ Bishop Keeler

If something makes you feel uplifted, it makes you feel very cheerful and happy. ... people whose presence left you feeling uplifted, happy and full of energy. Synonyms: inspired, encouraged, cheered, stimulated More Synonyms of uplifted.

Your favorite music might also leave you uplifted. This emotional meaning is the most common definition of uplifted...


We would like to give all of the members of our ward the opportunity to share with us. It can be short and sweet, a video or quote that inspired you, it can be longer and include something that has touched you deep in your soul. It can be an A-ha moment that you have while reading your scriptures, studying Come Follow Me, washing your dishes, taking out the trash or weeding your garden! You get to decide! Please Share and encourage every member of your family to share if they would like to.

All thoughts are posted on the Washington 11th Ward Website and also shared to the Washington 11th Ward Facebook Page.

To submit a thought to share email it to

If you have not had the opportunity to read the thoughts that have been posted I encourage you to make the time to do so, we are surrounded by some pretty amazing people.

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