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God is waiting for us to come unto Him

Natasha Williams

Young Women Second Counselor

From the October 2015 conference address by Elder Uchtdorf “It Works Wonderfully!”:

When it comes to spiritual truth, how do we know that we are on the right path? One way is by asking the right questions- the kind that help us ponder our progress and evaluate how things are working for us. Questions like:

  • “Does my life have meaning?”

  • “Do I believe in God?”

  • “Do I believe that God knows and loves me?”

  • “Do I believe that God hears and answers my prayers?”

  • “Am I truly happy?”

  • “Are my efforts leading me to the highest spiritual goals and values in life?”

  • I wonder if we as Church members might also benefit from asking ourselves from time to time: “Is my experience in the Church working for me? Is it bringing me closer to Christ?

  • Is it blessing me and my family with peace and joy as promised in the gospel?”

Alma posed similar questions to Church members in Zarahemla when he asked: “Have ye experienced this might change in your hearts?... [And] can [you] feel [it] now?” (Alma 5:14, 26) Such contemplation may help us to refocus or realign our daily efforts with the divine plan of salvation.

If we did not get all that we hoped to get from this recent General Conference, were we asking questions and searching for the answers, with the intent to learn from the Spirit? We can always pray for guidance then go back and listen to the talks again and listen to the Spirit to direct us to what we need to hear. I love that we are able to listen to the talks over and over again, so soon after Conference they are added to the Gospel Library app, or available online and each time we listen to or read them we find new inspiration. This year especially, with so many trials upon us, or around us, we should all be putting our best efforts into finding the messages we need. There will always be something that will speak to you, no matter what is going on in your life. If you listen with questions, the Spirit will help you find your answers and give peace to your soul. “If you aren’t as close to God as you once were, make no mistake about who moved.” God is waiting for us to come unto Him. Hear His voice through his prophets and make the spiritual changes we need to make to follow Him.  Natasha Williams

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