
Apr 25, 20211 min

Meeting Schedule

Updated: Apr 26, 2021

Just a reminder that we will be returning to our 'Original' Meeting Schedule May 2nd

Sacrament Meeting will continue to be available via ZOOM.

2nd hour classes will be in-person only at this time.


12:00 pm - Sacrament Meeting

1:00 pm - Primary & Nursery

1st & 3rd Sunday

1:00 pm - Sunday School

Adult class will meet in the chapel

Youth will meet as the following ages:

11-13 year old class
14-15 year old class
16-17 year old class

2nd & 4th Sunday

1:00 pm - Priesthood, Relief Society & Young Women's

5th Sunday

1:00 pm - Combined Youth and Adult meetings will be under the direction of the Bishop
