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These things are done FOR us

Sister Lisa Dinsmore

Young Women President

In my reading last week I had a scripture that really stuck with me and I’ve thought a lot about it. It’s Mosiah 27:21. Alma the younger has been brought to his father after having seen an angel, not being able to speak, or move. Alma it says “rejoiced, for he knew it was the power of God” and verse 21 says “And he (meaning Alma) caused that a multitude should be gathered together that they might witness what the Lord had done for his son, and also for those that were with him.” The one word that really hit me was FOR. The Lord did not do this TO Alma the Younger, he did this FOR him. I think so many times we see trials as things that are done to us, but in reality sometimes these things are done FOR us. I can’t think of a trial I’ve gone through that hasn’t strengthened me & ended up blessing my life. They end up helping me become more compassionate & empathetic, and truly are FOR me to learn and grow. Now mind you, I certainly don’t usually look at them that way as I’m in the midst of them, but they truly have blessed mine and my family’s lives.

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