
Oct 18, 20202 min

We've been counseled to pray, and pray often

Sister Patti Tippetts

Primary Music Leader

We've been counseled to pray, and pray often. Prayer serves many purposes in our lives. Through prayer we can find answers to our questions, we can understand what Heavenly Father wants for us, we can receive comfort and peace in times of trial, it invites the Spirit to participate in our lives, and certainly we can grow closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Prayer is also a beautiful venue for gratitude. I'm sure prayer can be meaningful in many different ways to different people.

In the scriptures it says to have a prayer in our hearts at all times. The words we usually say when we pray, we can say as often as we like, without even uttering a word, by feeling it in our hearts. I know I find so many things everyday to be thankful for! And I love that I can just say a little prayer in my heart to thank my Father in Heaven every time. Or whenever I get confused or scared, I can just say a little heart~prayer to help me through.

We should still take time each day to find a quiet moment and place to get on our knees and converse with Heavenly Father. But it makes me happy to know that I don't have to wait for those moments to talk to my Father in Heaven. He is airways there for me and I know how much He loves each of us.

I love you, too! I hope to see you all soon.

Sis. Tippetts


Here are some songs to practice with your family!

We Bow our Heads—Children’s Songbook #25a

My Heavenly Father Loves Me—Children’s Songbook # 228

The Wise Man and the Foolish Man—Children’s Songbook #281



More fun songs to share with your family:



