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The Missionary Buffet


We don’t all enjoy everything at a buffet table. We have the option to pick & choose what we want. Missionary work can be looked at in much the same way. There are many missionary type activities from which we can choose. Please select one or more and commit to some missionary service.


  • Wave to the missionaries when you see them

  • Offer to feed the missionaries

  • Pray for the missionaries by name

  • Pray for missionary opportunities

  • Talk with the missionaries when you see them in your neighborhood

  • Donate to the missionary program

Main Course

  • Invite a friend or neighbor to the Temple Visitor’s Center

  • Share something you learned at Church with a non-member

  • Invite a non-member to the next ward activity

  • Ask someone to your Family Home Evening that is not a member

  • Tell the missionaries about non-member friends and neighbors

  • Write your testimony in a Book of Mormon and give to the Elders to distribute


  • Write letters to the missionaries

  • Include your non-member friends in your prayers

  • Volunteer for a Church service, senior, or full-time mission

  • Pray for courage to be a missionary

  • Greet new neighbors with cookies and a card showing church times

  • Be a good example of righteous, happy living

Seek Heavenly Father’s guidance and strength for other ways you can support our missionaries. Your testimony of the Savior and His Gospel will change lives.

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All Contents are © 2024 by Washington 11th Ward.

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