Bishop Kirt Keeler Are We Done Yet?? What a month we've had! April came in cold and sequestered and is leaving hot and sequestered. We have now been at home for 6 weeks (ish) without the opportunity to go to church, attend activities and so on. Some of us have had to sacrifice some tough things like graduation, MTC experiences, family, and the sacrament. While there is light at the end of the tunnel, we still have some time before we are all back to normal. This is enduring. We have each been given a great gift from our Father in Heaven. We have the opportunity to learn patience, and also to figure out what we need to do to get right with Him. Some have taken that opportunity, some haven't. Some think this is all just a bad dream while others feel this is a cleansing or refining period. Regardless, it will come to an end. I am speaking of our mortal existence here on earth. You thought I was speaking of the Pandemic, didn't you? 😉 So how do we know when we are done? The Lord said in Alma chapter 14: 13 "... But, behold our work is not finished; therefore they burn us not." Our work is done when we graduate to the next life. Brothers and Sisters reach out, lift someone who is having a bad day, calm someone's fears, help someone else feel joy! When Jesus spoke to Peter by the sea he said, "Feed my sheep." I hope that during this time of trial and testing that we can all find a way to feed his sheep. Remember that we are not done until as Joseph Smith said, "the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done." I love you and miss you all, and I look forward to a great and glorious day when we shall all see one another again. God is great, Jesus is our Saviour, Joseph is the prophet of the restoration, and Russel M. Nelson leads the church today. I so testify in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen.
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