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{Aug 20-26} Weekly Announcements


10:30AM Sacrament Meeting (Program HERE)
11:30AM Primary, Nursery & Sunday School


August 21–27

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Sun, Aug 20-


11:30AM | 2ND HOUR CLASSES | Primary, Nursery & Sunday School

1PM | WARD TEMPLE RECOMEND INTERVIEWS | (excluding Fast Sundays & holidays)

2PM | STAKE TEMPLE RECOMEND INTERVIEWS | (excluding Fast Sundays & holidays)

3PM | MISSION PREP CLASS | Youth 16 and older

5PM | STAKE YOUTH FIRESIDE | President Behunin will be speaking

Mon, Aug 21 -


Tues, Aug 22 -

6PM | GIRLS PRIMARY ACTIVITY | Hand sewing on White handkerchiefs. Meet at the church.

7PM | YOUTH ACTIVITY | meet at the church for Opening Exercises.

Wed. Aug 23 -

Thurs, Aug 24 -

Fri, Aug 25 -

7PM | 11th WARD BUILDING CLEANING ASSIGNMENT | It is the last week to help clean the church building, If you are listed below or have not had the opportunity to, please meet at the Stake Center on the assigned Friday evening. Kevin & Erika Martin Family, Dan & Amy Esplin Family, Joshua & Cristina Jackson Family, Lee & Patty Tippets Family, Jamy Nay , Paul & Sueli Nelson Family, Janna Nielson , Tim Nielson , Rodney & Linda Nixon Family, Ferris & Ronalene Oman Family, John Omohundro , Coltrin & Karen Paramore Family, Jeff & Keri Paddock Family, Ajay & Liz Patha Family, Don & Sheri Peterson Family, Kay Lynn Peterson , Brent Phillips , Gilberto Popoca , Monty Puzey , Craig & Kelsey Rasmussen Family, Carolyn Reid , Erick & Jane Roberts Family, Brian & Marisa Robinson Family, Jeanna Rodgers , Natisha Romero , Monica Sanders , Robert & Jamie Scarkino Family, Stacy & Katrice Schimbeck Family, Carlyle & Pam Wacker Family, Kyle & Kimberlie Wendling Family, Clifford & Elda Wickham Family, Matt & Mandy Woodruff Family, Sherrena Young , Skylar Rodgers , Tony & Kimberly Fish Family, Juan & Margarita Garcia Family.

Sat, Aug 26 -

6PM | ANNUAL NEIGHBORHOOD POOL PARTY | at the Washington Community Center Pavilion area. Hamburgers, hotdogs & all the fixings will be provided, bring a side or dessert to share! Don't forget to invite your neighbors!



Thus, August 31 - 7PM | WARD TEMPLE NIGHT | at the Cedar City Temple. 7PM Endowment Session (or anytime you can attend that day).

Sat, Sept 2 - 10AM | FRIEND TO FRIEND FOR CHILDREN | Primary children are invited to watch this fun and inspiring worldwide broadcast on, Gospel Library, Gospel for Kids YouTube, and other channels. Find more information on

St. George Utah Temple
Public Open House
Friday, September 15 to Saturday, November 11, 2023 All are invited to tour the renovated St. George Utah Temple Admission is free.



| BOYS PRIMARY ACTIVITY | 1st & 3rd Tuesday at 6PM each month.

| GIRLS PRIMARY ACTIVITY | 2nd & 4th Tuesday at 6PM each month.

| YOUTH ACTIVITIES | Every Tuesday at 7PM, meet at the church for Opening Exercises

| WARD TEMPLE NIGHT | at the Cedar City Temple. The last Thursday of every month, 7PM Endowment Session (or anytime you can attend that day). Due to higher patron volume, appointment availability may be limited. MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENTS EARLY! Appointments open up at the end of every month for the next two consecutive months. If you are unable to keep your appointment, please remember to cancel it.

| MUSICAL NUMBER | If you would like to do a musical number or participate in a musical number in sacrament meeting, please text Sister Sheri Peterson at 435-619-7064

| SINGLE ADULT 46+ ACTIVITIES | visit the calendar to see current & upcoming events.


to our Stake/Ward

• Elder Jakobsen & Elder Mason ( 435-862-4191)

• Elder Rex Papa (435-922-1174) & Sister Lorie Papa (435-632-9713)


from the 11th Ward

• Elder Nigel Jones - South Carolina Columbia Mission -

• Elder Noah James Keeler - Puerto Rico San Juan Mission -

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