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Dedicate ourselves to strengthening marriage, families, and homes” -Relief Society Declaration

Sister Jenni Claseman shared this as an online Relief Society lesson in June with the sisters in the Buena Vista YSA Ward.

Dedicate ourselves to strengthening marriage, families, and homes” -Relief Society Declaration

Today I’ve chosen a talk by President Henry B Eyring in the October 2018 General Women’s Session Women and Gospel Learning in the Home

(Pro tip: turn the audio on and listen to it while you get ready for bed or the day or whatever you’re doing...then come back and read this’s short and easy. Promise)

As you study this talk I’ve gathered some questions that I’d like you to ponder (:

  • How do faithful sisters who are a primary force help the Lord pour out knowledge on His Saints?

  • Why does a daughter of God in a united and equal relationship receive the primary responsibility to nourish, with the most important nutrient all must receive, a knowledge of truth coming from heaven?

  • What can I do now to nourish/uplift those around me to prepare for when I have a family of my own?

As I read this talk, my mind weighed heavily on the circumstances of this world (thank you Covid) and how so many of Heavenly Father children are walking around or are feeling completely isolated in their apartments or have lost the motivation to nurture not only those around them, but most importantly, they’ve lost the motivation to nurture themselves. I know at times I have definitely been the one to lose motivation to do the small and simple things that are so essential to keep going. Sisters, these times are hard. I’m not going to beat around the bush and say otherwise. There is so much uncertainty and fear in the world felt by so many. It is our responsibility to reach out and lift those in need, and in doing so, we will be lifted up as well! You might ask yourself “Who am I responsible to nourish?!? I’m a YSA with no kids and no husband!” I know that’s exactly how I’d respond...and that’s when the spirit will go and either slap me in the face or gently remind me (depending how hard headed I am that day) that we have all been called to nourish and uplift our ministering sisters! That is a literal calling that has been placed upon us and we need to fulfill that calling to the best of our ability. Now; you might say “But Jenni, I’ve reached out to my sisters and they don’t respond!” Yeah. I know. Some of my sisters don’t respond to me either. But keep trying.

President Eyring said “Your practical challenge is to know whom to nurture, how, and when. You need the Lord’s help. He knows others’ hearts, and He knows when they are ready to accept your nurturing. Your prayer of faith will be your key to success. You can depend upon receiving His guidance.

He gave this encouragement: “Ask the Father in my name in faith, believing that you shall receive, and you shall have the Holy Ghost, which manifesteth all things which are expedient.”

And in the meantime ask yourself who has been on your mind lately? Who just keeps randomly popping into your head that you haven’t seen or talked to in a while? Or even if you saw or talked to them last week? Who is that one person? Reach out and send them a “hey! You’re on my mind lately, how are you?” text. You might not get a response immediately, or even at all, but you also never know how it could impact the person you’ve reached out to.

“...take more time to pray, to ponder, and to meditate on spiritual matters. You will have knowledge of truth poured out upon you and grow in your power to nurture others in your family. There will be times when you feel that your progress in learning how better to nurture is slow. It will take faith to endure. The Savior sent you this encouragement:

“Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great.

“Behold, the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind; and the willing and obedient shall eat the good of the land of Zion in these last days.””

Sisters, I challenge each of you to reach out to somebody in your life today and see what you can do to nourish them. If you are somebody who is needing the nourishment (it happens to all of us) don’t feel like you can’t reach out or that you are alone. You have this wonderful ward family who would love to help you rise and grow! If you don’t know how to ask for help or are afraid to ask, find someone you trust and text them to see if they’d like to go for a stroll or walk.

We, as the relief society presidency love you and we pray for you and we can’t wait to see your bright shining faces again soon!

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