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Diligently Do

Sister Sarah Call

Young Women Secretary

In girls uncamp this week our theme was Diligence. I was asked to give a spiritual thought on this subject. I found a talk from general conference in 1993 by F. David Stanley He told this story, 'Just over eight months ago, a monstrous hurricane swept into Florida. Jack Demaree of the Montgomery Alabama Stake and many like him drove over two thousand miles round trip, using their vacation time to assist the hurricane victims. He brought back an article from a Florida newspaper: “In hot, humid conditions Saturday, about 12,000 volunteers—including 9,000 Mormon church members from six states who brought chain saws, plywood and tar paper—swarmed into South Florida. … So many people [were] at work that only two hundred showed up Saturday morning for an outdoor prayer service … despite the … prediction that more than 5,000 would attend.” ' (Ocala, Florida, Sunday newspaper, 6 Sept. 1992.) He continued, "... using that as an analogy, cutting trees is more important than thinking about cutting trees or planning to cut trees...Contrary to the belief of many, “Say” and “Sit” will never replace “Diligently Do.” When you accept an assignment or commit to work for someone, work for them. Your integrity to that commitment will follow you throughout life."  I have a personal experience about diligence I would like to share. After Lily was born I began to cross stitch as a way to help me through the adjustment to being a new mom. I decided to cross stitch a Christmas stocking for Lily. The pattern takes up the whole front of a pretty large stocking. It took hours and hours of work, and around 8 months to complete. I was so proud when I finished and it will be something I hope Lily will cherish forever. I decided that I wanted to make a stocking for Zane so that we could all have a cross stitch stocking. I started it last June. I've thought a lot about doing it throughout the past year, but have barely made a dent in it. As F. David Stanley stated above. Thinking about doing something does not actually get it done.  Something we can all improve on is our diligence in all aspects of life. Be diligent in your scripture study. Be diligent in your prayers, in taking the time to go to the temple, in your callings. Be diligent in the goals you set. Be diligent at your jobs, future jobs, and at school. Be diligent in improving relationships with your family members. When you are inspired to serve someone, DO IT!! Diligence and working hard leads to results you can look back on and be proud of. Be mindful of this christlike trait and Diligently Do! 

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