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Sister Keri Paddock

Relief Society Night Coordinator

Essential… a word we’ve heard a lot lately.

Everyone has a different idea of what is essential to them.  In our mortal world much of what we deem essential really lies with us.

During this Pandemic many of us have been placed in a category of essential or non- essential in our means of making our living. I think most of us agree our jobs are essential to provide for our families. Maybe our job isn’t considered essential and we desperately wish it was. Maybe it is considered essential and we wish it wasn’t! Either way can be scary.

I think we can all agree that physically food is essential.  Water, Fresh air. All are things we need to survive. I think back in the TP frenzy! I heard 100’s of people saying it is non essential… I beg to differ, but that’s another story. My list of essential items for physical survival will never be the same as anyone else’s.

Emotionally I believe that human contact is essential. It’s been rough! It’s been so hard to not be able to snuggle grand kids, or hug our family and friends. It’s been really tough for those who have lived through the horror of losing a family member during this time.  I’m sad for those who had to change wedding plans, and so many other events that were so important to them and their families.

Spiritually there are many things that are essential. Home church has been a blessing to me in many ways. I’m sure it’s been terribly hard for so many members as well. I’m so grateful we have a Prophet! He is essential to our church! I believe he is essential to our lives! We are so blessed he listened to our Heavenly Father and prepared us for Home church.

 I’ll be the first to admit I was NOT happy when they announced they were closing our temple! I was really not happy, when we found out it would happen before the new one was even started. I have been so grateful to live in the shadow of a temple. I know now, I also took it for granted. I told myself a million times that all the reasons for it must be good and right. Our Prophet knows what he’s doing right? I miss the temple! It is essential to me! It is Essential to all of us! And now with temples closed and limited access for a while, I realize that may be one of the reasons it closed when it did, is that during this time we can’t attend the temple anyway. Many temples are being built, and renovated and our time that has been lost isn’t stopping that. Every day in the temple is Essential!

Ordinances and Covenants are essential for our salvation. Families are essential for our happiness. The Sacrament is essential in so many ways, A Testimony, The Fall, The Atonement and most importantly our Savior.  We are so blessed to have the gospel in our lives, to help us remember the “Truly Essential”     Our Heavenly Father loves us. He has given us everything we need. It is up to us to learn and grow and commit to the essential things.

 I pray that we can stand above our trials and circumstances and set our priorities on the things that are essential to our salvation and eternal happiness. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

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