Brother Kevin Martin
Bishopric First Counselor
Hello Brothers and Sisters. My, how the time seems to be flying by. I am grateful for the opportunity to do a thought for the ward. I hope that everyone is doing well and getting along. It will be nice to see you in church when the time comes.
I have had the privilege of watching the Temple come alive, as plants and trees begin to bloom and leaf out, and see the various shrubs and flowers blossom. I stand in wonder, how Heavenly Father’s creations, beautify and magnify the world around us. I have also been able to participate in changing out the flower beds for the summer season, and found myself being grateful to be able to enjoy the beauty of our Heavenly Father’s creation, and to be part of it, especially at the House of the Lord.
As I have thought about what to share with the Ward, I have been reading in the Teachings of Russell M Nelson. In this book, it gives snippets, words or talks given by President Nelson over the years as a General Authority. I happen to be reading about Gratitude.
“Recently, Sister Nelson and I enjoyed the beauty of tropical fish in a small private aquarium. Fish with vivid colors and of a variety of shapes and sizes darted back and forth. I asked the attendant nearby, “Who provides food for these beautiful fish? She responded, I do. Then I asked, “Have they ever thanked you?” She replied, “Not yet!” I thought of some people I know who are just as oblivious to their Creator and their true bread of life (John 6:35, 48). They live from day to day without an awareness of God and His goodness unto them.
How much better it would be if all could be more aware of God’s providence and love and express that gratitude to Him. Ammon taught, “Let us give thanks to (God), for he doth work righteousness forever” (Alma 26:8) Our degree of gratitude is a measure of our love for Him. (“Thanks be to God,” Ensign, May 2012)
In all of the hustle and bustle that seems to be going on, I sometimes felt I was like the fish, just darting back and forth. Seeing the beauty of the flowers and the new spring growth, I now take the time to take it all in, enjoy it and be thankful. Though it may only be a moment, it is a moment of gratitude and thanksgiving. Brothers and Sisters, with everything going on in each of our lives, may we be more aware of Heavenly Father, and our Brother Jesus Christ and their goodness they give unto us, and say thank you. Whatever way you choose to thank them, know that they are very aware of each one of us, and our needs and desires. May we show more gratitude to them and to our neighbors, and grow in love. Have a “Grate”day.
My Little Prayer by David Archuletta