Sister Bailee Basile
Primary Secretary
A few weeks ago I received a very obvious answer to my prayers. A few days later I began to doubt the answer. I thought is that really what I should do? Is this the right thing now? I prayed again to know if I was making the right decision. I sat there waiting for an answer but never felt anything. I decided to click on a link from an email the church sent out a few weeks ago. It was a BYU speech by Jeffrey R. Holland given years ago. In this talk he gave this quote.
I had gotten an answer to my prayers. I needed to have confidence in that experience I had. I am so grateful for the power of prayer and a Heavenly Father that gives us those experiences. It is our job to trust those experiences and trust Him. I encourage you to listen to the talk if you have a minute.
In the name of Jesus Christ Amen.
of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles March 2, 1999