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{Jan 29-Feb 4} Weekly Announcements

Sunday Meetings:

10:30AM Sacrament Meeting (Program HERE)

11:30AM Primary, Nursery, Combined Youth & Combined Adults

1-2PM Ward Temple Recommend Interviews

2-3PM Stake Temple Recommend Interviews

3:00PM Mission Prep Class - Youth 16 and older

Come Follow Me for Individuals & Families:

January 30–February 5

“The Spirit of the Lord Is upon Me”

**** If you would like to do a musical number or participate in a musical number in sacrament meeting, please text Sister Sheri Peterson at 435-619-7064.****

****Please check your information in Tools & update anything that is outdated.****

Weekly Calendar items:

Sun, Jan 29 -


7-8PM | WORLDWIDE EVENT FOR YOUTH: I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST | Elder Gerrit W. Gong, President Bonnie H. Cordon, and President Steven J. Lund will speak with Latter-day Saint youth, their parents, and their leaders. Watch the event on and the Church’s YouTube channel. Find more information on

Mon, Jan 30 -


Tues, Jan 31 -

Wed, Feb 1 -



YM Class Activities -

• Priests - Card Games •

• Teachers - Medical Lab •

• Deacons - Bowling •

YW Joint Activity -

• Glow in the Dark Volleyball •

Thurs, Feb 2 -

Fri, Feb 3 -

7PM | BUILDING CLEANING | It's time for the 11th Ward members to help clean the Building. Each family in the ward is asked to help clean the building one week of our assigned month. You and your family are asked to help this week, please meet at the Stake Center on Friday evening at 7pm.

If you cannot make it please trade your assigned week with someone and contact Brother Alan Hunt @ (435) 467-4018 with the changes. You can find the complete schedule on the Ward Blog. Alldredge Family, Kami Alldredge, Carol August, Ballard Family, Basile Family, Bauer Family, Carlie Beatty, Beckstrand Family, Bishop Family, Harley Bjelland, Hofer Family, Bradshaw Family, Bruggeman Family, Mary Burleson, Brady Campbell, Kip Carr, Sean Chapburn, Donna Childs, Christiansen Family, Nicholas Clove, La Dean Cluff, Peggy Collard, Earlene Cox, Crookston Family, Kim Davis Family, Megan Davis, Shurtliff Family, Sarah De Mill, Dow Family, Drake Family, Dezra Draper, Olds Family, Delwin Scoresby Family, Will Scoresby Family, Seegmijller Family, Snow Family, Snyder Family, Zulewski Family

Sat, Feb 4 -


February 5

5PM | SELF RELIANCE CLASSES | The Self Reliance Initiative of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is a series of group classes developed to help individuals and families learn practical skills of self reliance in all aspects of every day life. Individuals who participate in these classes will: 1) Assess their current level of self-reliance (spiritually & temporally) 2) Learn and apply the doctrines and principles of self-reliance 3) Determine the skills and income needed to become temporally self-reliant 4) Partner with the Lord in strengthening themselves and their closest relationships 5) Improve their ability to minister to others

A devotional to launch the Spring sessions of the Self Reliance group classes will be held Sunday, February 5, at 5:00 PM, at the Stake Center, 446 E Mangum Rd, Washington Utah. There are 10 to 12 group meetings for each course. Groups typically meet once per week for 90 minutes. Course topics include; FINDING STRENTH IN THE LORD - Emotional Resilience, PERSONAL FINANCE, EDUCATION FOR BETTER WORK, STARTING AND GROWING MY OWN BUSINESS, and FINDING A BETTER JOB. SIGN UP HERE

Feb 8th


Feb 11th

8:30AM | RELIEF SOCIETY TEMPLE TRIP | 9:45AM Initiatory Session at Cedar City Temple

Feb 15th

6:30PM | STAKE YOUTH ACTIVITY | Movie Night at the Stake Center

Feb 16th

6PM | RELIEF SOCIETY ACTIVITY | Come learn how to make Chili Rellenos from Sister Legudina Emmett!

Feb 17-18th


Feb 19th

3PM | WARD MISSIONARY & REP TRAINING | Ward mission leaders, ward missionaries, EQ Rep, RS Rep, YM Rep, YW Rep from each ward are invited for a training and discussion

Feb 22nd

6PM | GIRLS PRIMARY ACTIVITY | Get to know you bags

Feb 24th

4PM | YCL OVERNIGHTER | Young Women 16+ @ Pine Valley

Feb 26th

2nd Hour | Teaching in the Savior’s Way Class | For All Who Teach in the Home & in Church.

March 5th

2nd Hour | Teaching in the Savior’s Way Class | For All Who Teach in the Home & in Church.


First & Third Wednesday at 6PM each month | BOYS PRIMARY ACTIVITY |

Second & Fourth Wednesday at 6PM each month | GIRLS PRIMARY ACTIVITY |

Every Wednesday at 7PM | YOUTH ACTIVITIES |

| SINGLE ADULT 46+ ACTIVITIES | visit the calendar to see current & upcoming events.


Elder Jonah Collier & Elder Isaac Lucero (435-619-1390)

Elder Rex Papa (435-922-1174) & Sister Lorie Papa (435-632-9713)

| SERVING MISSIONARIES | from the 11th Ward

Elder Nigel Jones - South Carolina Columbia Mission -

Elder Tavin Shurtliff - England Leeds Mission -

Elder Kolten Ray Willard -

Sister Elizabeth Ann Neilson - Idaho Boise Mission -

Elder Noah James Keeler - Puerto Rico San Juan Mission -

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