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{January 2-8} Weekly Announcements

Sunday Meetings - Fast Sunday
  • 9:00AM Sacrament Meeting (Program HERE)

  • 10:00AM Primary, Nursery & Sunday School

  • Come Follow Me for Individuals & Families

January 3–9

“In the Beginning God Created the Heaven and the Earth”

  • It's time for the 11th Ward members to help clean the Building. The following individuals and their families are asked to help clean the church, meet at the Stake Center on the assigned Friday evening at 7pm.

If you cannot make it please trade your assigned week with someone and contact Brother Alan Hunt @ (435) 467-4018 with the changes.

January 7th - Olds Family, Claseman Family, Esplin Family, Alldredge Family, Troy Bauer, Evans Family, Kathy Holt, DeAn Henry, Wayne Henry, Johnson Family, Lancaster Family, Menzel Family, Jami Morris Family, Nixon Family, Carolyn Reid, Monica Sanders. Shurtliff Family, Torgerson Family, Watts Family, Wendling Family, Williams Family

  • January Lesson Schedule

  • Please check & update your information in Tools.

  • The Young Women in the High School class are planning a service project of making Sleeping Mats out of plastic grocery bags for the homeless. If you have any (or can start saving them) that you would be willing to donate to their project they would be grateful. Please contact Sister Erika Martin to arrange pickup or drop off!

  • Single Adult 46+ Activities, visit the calendar to see current & upcoming events.

  • Missionaries Assigned to our Stake/Ward

    • Elder Cade Davis La Turner & Elder Adam Mason (435-215-3082)

    • Elder Rex Papa (435-922-1174) & Sister Lorie Papa (435-632-9713)


No Activities this week

Youth Activities

Joint YW - for all Young Women 11-18 years old

Wednesday January 5th at 6pm

Young Women Welcome Banquet

Dinner will be served, Sunday Dress

Joint YM- TBA


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