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July 16th Building Cleaning Assignments

It's time for the 11th Ward members to help clean the Building. The following individuals and their families are asked to help clean the church, meet at the Stake Center on the assigned Friday evening at 8pm.

If you cannot make it please trade your assigned week with someone and contact Brother Alan Hunt @ (435) 467-4018 with the changes.

July 16th -

Mark Aldridge

Jessie Alldredge

Zac & Nicole Babcock

Andrew & Bailee Basile

John Bishop Family

Cherie Walters

Brady & Parker Watts

Justin Watts Family

Amelia West

Brent Whitehead Family

Cliff & Elda Wickham

Ronald Willard Family

David Williams Family

Kolton Winder Family

Darien Winsor Family

David Woodcock Family

Matt Woodruff Family

Cash & Shaylee Yardley

Sherrena Young

July 23rd -

Anita Black

Kevin & Alex Bodily

Robert & Kelle Bruggeman

Tristen Bruggeman

Nathan Cain

Zane Call Family

Koby Family Campbell

Christian & Baylie Case

George & Heather Claseman

Peggy Collard

Colton & Monica Coombs

Melanie Cottam Family

Conway Cox Family

Kim Davis Family

Mike Dinsmore Family

Kavis Elzy Family

Dan & Amy Esplin

Dave & Lisa Evans

Kevin Martin Family

July 30th -

Bishop Keeler Family

Lisa Faagata Family

Brent Fackrell Family

Curtis Flanigan Family

Richard & Yenori Forsyth

Kyle Foy

Adam Frogley Family

Roger & Anita Gardner

George & Pamela Haley

Paul Hansen Family

Scott & Lexi Hartley

Curtis Hatch Family

Marty & Kim Haughton

Patrick & Stacie Heiner

DeAn Henry

Dave Holt Family

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