Sunday Meetings
10:30AM Sacrament Meeting (Program HERE)
11:30AM Primary, Nursery & Sunday School
12:45PM Ward Youth Council
1-2PM Ward Temple Recommend Interviews
2-3PM Stake Temple Recommend Interviews
3:00PM Mission Prep Class - Youth 16 and older
Weekly Announcements
Come Follow Me for Individuals & Families
November 14–20
Tithing Declaration is going on now! Don't miss this opportunity to meet with Bishop Keeler, there are sign-up sheets on the clerks office door or contact Brother Andrew Basile for an appointment.
Interfaith Devotional on the Old Testament Tabernacle on Sunday, November 13th at 7PM at the historic St. George Tabernacle at 18 South Main Street, in St. George.
Youth Activities Wednesdays at 7pm
YM/YW Class - November 16th
• HS/MS YW - Laser Tag
• IS YW - Pottery ( The Tilted Kiln)
• Priests - Tuck Everlasting
• Teachers - Service
• Deacons - Service
YW Stake Pickleball - November 17th 6-8PM
Multi-Stake Youth Dance - Washington Utah Stake, November 19th @8-10PM at The Institute Bldg.
The Primary Boys CTR 7 - Valiant 10 meet together for their activities at 6:00PM the First & Third Wednesdays each month.
November 16th - Meet at the church at 6PM
The Primary Girls CTR 7 - Valiant 10 meet together for their activities at 6:00PM the Second & Fourth Wednesdays each month.
November 23rd - No Activity - Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving Day Turkey Bowl - Softball - November 24th @ 9AM
“The Promise of Christmas” Virtual Christmas Concert 6:00 PM | 25 November 2022 - 31 December 2022 Online Broadcast. Watch at and on YouTube
Annual Neighborhood Christmas Party - December 3rd 6-7:30PM
Old Testament Tabernacle: Explore a life-size replica of the Tabernacle from the Old Testament now on display through December 13, 2022. Tours of the Tabernacle are free to the public. This amazing opportunity will allow you to explore how the Lord teaches through symbols, parables, and figurative language. Also, three informative devotionals will be held at the Saint George Tabernacle with insights from interfaith, church and community leaders. Ticket information for devotionals and tabernacle tours is available at This Old Testament Tabernacle replica is at 1130 Brigham Road, Saint George. The hours are 9am-9pm Mon-Saturday, and Sundays 5pm-9pm.
Old Testament Tabernacle: Volunteers are also needed to work various shifts for our Stake day at the Tabernacle on Tuesday, December 6th. The Washington, Utah Stake is responsible to fill ALL the tour shifts & security shifts for the Tabernacle project for the entire 24 hour DAY – which starts on Tues, Dec. 6, 2022 – 9am ending on Wed, Dec. 7th. The following volunteer shifts are needed:
Tabernacle Volunteers YOUTH PREFERRED: The first set of volunteers are the Tabernacle tour volunteers. It is preferred that these time and shift slots be filled by Youth (11-18). If youth cannot staff these times and locations, then we ask that YSA students serve next, and lastly adults.
Visitor Center Guides: The next set of volunteers are for Visitor Center Guides. These slots can be filled with either youth or adults.
Greeters: Will help patrons sign in, keep a count of patrons in attendance, and help them get assigned to a video room.
Rooms 1A and 1B: These volunteers will show a 10-minute video prior to visitors entering the Tabernacle.
Ushers: Ushers will be placed at various stations outside and inside to keep the flow going and to help patrons get to where they are needed.
Check-in coordinator for Volunteers: This person will be checking in the volunteers as they arrive.
Event Security (24/7): We will need two people onsite for security 24/7. Each shift will be 4-hours and will begin at 9:00am on our assigned day and end at 9:00AM THE FOLLOWING day. This can be a couple during the day, but men should be the Event Security in the nighttime hours. Please sign up at this link:
2023 Southern Utah LDS Widows & Widowers Conference - A Time for Joy - January 13th & 14th, 449 S 300 E St George, Utah. Register at
Play Group for kids ages 0-5 We'd love to get to know you and our kids can play. If you are interested please call or text Crissy Jackson. 1-801-400-3397.
Single Adult 46+ Activities, visit the calendar to see current & upcoming events.
Missionaries Assigned to our Stake/Ward
Elder Talun Jet Cole & Elder Michael Chandler Stoltenburg (435-619-1390)
Elder Rex Papa (435-922-1174) & Sister Lorie Papa (435-632-9713)
Visit the Washington 11th Ward Website for the Sacrament Meeting Program,
LIKE the Washington 11th Ward Facebook Page and