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{Oct 17-23} Weekly Announcements

Updated: Oct 24, 2021

Sunday, October 17th

12:00PM Sacrament Meeting

1:00PM Primary, Nursery, Sunday School

2:00-3:15PM Stake Temple Recommend Interviews

3:00 PM - Mission Prep Class - for ALL Youth 16 and older


Come Follow Me for Individuals & Families

October 18–24

“O God, Where Art Thou?”

  • October Lesson Schedule

  • It's time for the 11th Ward members to help clean the Building. The following individuals and their families are asked to help clean the church this week, meet at the Stake Center on Friday evening at 7pm. If you cannot make it please trade your assigned week with someone and contact Brother Alan Hunt @ (435) 467-4018 with the changes. October 22nd - Colby Neilson Family, Robert & Kelle Bruggeman, Nathan Cain, Zane Call Family. George & Heather Claseman, Peggy Collard, Conway Cox Family, Mike Dinsmore Family, Dan & Amy Esplin, Dave & Lisa Evans, Daniel Jackson, Jeff Jackson Family, Josh Jackson Family, David & Kathy Johnson

  • The CTR 7/Valiant Primary Girls will be meeting on the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays this month!

  • Relief Society Night Activity will be October 22nd - Projects can be found in the East Foyer to view & Sign Up. Sign up & Payment by October 17th unless indicated on project. You can also view the Projects on the FB Event Page. Dinner at 5:30 Projects following. No Nursery

  • October 28th from 1:30-7pm at the Telegraph Chapel. Washington Stake is holding our upcoming Blood Drive. PLEASE CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP

  • Annual Halloween Carnival/Dinner & Trunk or Treat will be Saturday October 30th. Carnival will start at 4pm in the Cultural Hall. We will be joining with our 5th Ward Friends for Dinner & Trunk or Treat. Dinner on the South Lawn at 5PM and the Trunk or Treat will follow in the West Parking Lot. There will be a Sign up for the Dinner going around in the 2nd hour or you can also sign up on Sign-Up Genius.

  • 10,771 Records Indexed since the beginning of the Challenge!

361 Aug 29th-31st

5,443 September

4,967 since October 1st

Washington Stake Indexing Challenge! The Washington Stake has an indexing challenge that runs from August 29-October 29. Each ward has set goal(s) to meet as part of this challenge. Our ward goals are to

  1. Increase the number of people in the ward that index.

  2. Help others find joy in indexing and

  3. Index 2400 records

President Nelson has promised us, "Anytime you do anything that helps anyone — on either side of the veil — take a step toward making covenants with God and receiving their essential baptismal and temple ordinances, you are helping to gather Israel. It is as simple as that.” Help us gather Israel by increasing the time you spend doing Family History. I know your life will be blessed! ~Sister Keeler

  • Single Adult 46+ Activities are resuming. Visit the Single Adult 46+ calendar to see current & upcoming events.

  • Missionaries Assigned to our Stake/Ward Elder Cade Davis La Turner Elder Rex Papa 435-922-1174 Elder Hunter Mears Sister Lorie Papa 435-632-9713 +1 435-215-3082

Primary -

Wednesday, Oct 20th

  • at 6PM The CTR 7/Valiant 8 Primary Girls - Halloween Activity

Tuesday, Oct 26th

  • at 7PM The Valiant 9&10 Primary Girls - Articles of Faith Activity

The Primary Program is coming up. Please encourage & help your children to practice their parts and the songs! If your child has not received their part please contact a member of the Primary Presidency.

Songs for the Primary Program

Youth -

Sunday, October 17th - @ 3PM - Mission Prep Class - for ALL Youth 16 and older

Tuesday, October 19th - @ 7PM

  • IS YW Class - Pumpkin Carving Meet at Woodruff home

  • MS YW Class - Pumpkin Carving

  • HS YW Class - WED activity

  • Deacons - TBA

  • Teachers - Go Carts

  • Priests - Service

Wednesday, October 20th- @ 7PM

  • HS YW Class - Service - Making Cookies

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1 Comment

Oct 25, 2021

Sunday Oct 24 did not do DC 121-123. He gave a talk com a conference. Which’s ok but I’d like to study ahead, which is what we’re supposed to do. I spent several hours through out the week studying DC 121-123. All I hope fir is the online schedule be correct Thanks for the opportunity to community.

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