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October Washington Utah Stake Blood Drive

Thursday, October 26th

1:30 - 7 PM

Telegraph Chapel

Washington Stake is holding our upcoming Blood Drive on Thursday, October 26th from 1:30-7pm at the Telegraph Chapel. The Red Cross is always in need of blood donations.

Scheduled Appointments.

Signups are ONLINE ONLY!

To donate blood in our FAST APPROACHING scheduled Stake Blood Drive here are the details: 1. To sign up, click

(you can also go to and put WashingtonLDSStake as the sponsor)

2. Click the red "SEE TIMES" button 3. Select the "BLOOD" button next to the time you wish to donate 4. Click the "Sign in" button if you already have an account or click the

"Create my account" button or call 1-800­-RED CROSS (1-800­-733-2767) to schedule over the phone

That's it!

If you have questions or trouble signing up, please contact Brother Rod Ohlwiler (Stake Blood Drive Coordinator) at, or call 435-668-7885.

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