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Sister Lisa Dinsmore

Young Women President

As we’ve studied about Ammon, I’ve thought a lot the service he rendered. The service wasn’t given hoping for something in return, it was given purely out of love. It was definitely a sacrifice on his part, and because of his service and sacrifice he had the opportunity to share the gospel in a true & genuine way. He had shared so much through the way he lived his life that others desired to know more.

It’s made me reflect on my own life and if I’m living and serving that way. I love the quote “Do those who know you but don’t know Christ, want to know Christ because they know you?”  I try to live my life so this is the case. Some days are better than others, but each day is a new start. There are many many people in our ward family that I see serve with love. This strengthens me and helps me to be better and try harder. I’m so grateful for this gospel and the ward family we have.

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