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Washington Utah Stake COVID-19 Guideline Updates for Sacrament Meeting

Dear Brothers and Sister,

We would like to provide further update on our COVID-19 guidelines for Sacrament meeting. Starting tomorrow, July 4th, the following guidelines can be implemented in all wards in our stake:

· Young men administering the sacrament are no longer required to wear a face mask. They may want to wear one if they choose to.

· We ask our priesthood holders to continue to follow sanitation guidelines by using hand sanitizers before administering the sacrament.

· All pews in the chapel can be used thus eliminating the need to only use alternating pews.

Our meetings will continue to be broadcasted via zoom, and, with your Bishops authorization, worthy priesthood holders may administer the sacrament at home. Only the Bishop has the keys to authorize administration of the sacrament at home. We will continue to administer the sacrament at the end of our meetings to aid in the broadcast of the meeting.

Those who wish to wear a mask may do so, and we would encourage you to wear one based on your personal risk assessment.

These changes will allow us to hold our meetings in a more comfortable manner by allowing our ward members to fully utilize our facilities. With a greater number of attendees, there is a need to maximize our facility utilization.

We are grateful for your faithfulness in helping us keep everyone safe while going through this transition back to normal. We are grateful that our temples are reopening, and we can now visit with Lord in His Holy House.

We wish you a happy fourth of July weekend. Washington Utah Stake Presidency President Emerson Carnavale

Stake President

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