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We can be reminded and find our way again

Sister Mandy Woodruff

Relief Society First Counselor

We all experience trials and if we aren’t careful, it’s easy to fall into a pit of despair where we feel sorry for ourselves. We can easily lose our faith, question our existence, our worth, the purpose of it all. We can lose sight of previous knowledge given to us and lose our way, but we have been given a gift. That gift being the instruments, the angels in our lives that listen and follow the whisperings of the spirit. We can be reminded and find our way again. That’s not to say that our trial is made easy or even come to an end, but it may become more bearable. I leave you with this quote and my testimony of it, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen “You were tutored by Him before you came into this life. He helped you understand and accept that you would have trials, tests, and opportunities perfectly chosen just for you. You learned that our Father had a plan of happiness to get you safely through those trials and that you would help bring others safely through their’s.”                                       -Henry B. Eyring 

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