Sister Patti Tippetts
Primary Music Leader
Hello my Primary Friends!
We have been taught and know what Heavenly Father and Jesus want us to do. So, it should be simple, right? But it is not always easy to choose the right when you stand alone or are the one who would be different. It is very important for us to learn to stand up for what we know is right and be the person Heavenly Father wants us to be.
We can practice every day! There are always opportunities for us to stand for the right and follow Jesus’ example. Here are some songs to help you remember to make good choices when things seem cloudy. We can learn good songs and then we can sing them in our mind when we need to remember important things.
I hope you find many opportunities to practice choosing the right, then talk to your family about your experiences. Maybe they can share stories they have as well.
Here are some more songs to help you stay strong!
Nephi’s Courage (Children’s Songbook #120) also talks of how putting our trust in Heavenly Father can bless us.