Sister Patti Tippetts
Primary Music Leader
We’ve been talking about being baptized and becoming members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We also talked about the covenants we make when we are baptized. Being part of God’s church gives us the responsibility to love and care for others. If we are following Jesus’ example, we will show kindness to others because we know it is what Jesus would do and it is what He would want us to do.
We must be careful to understand that we are kind and show love to others because it is the right thing to do, not because we are hoping to be popular or rich.
Here is a little song I learned when I was a young girl in Primary:
And here is a song we sang a few weeks ago:
We have many, many chances everyday to show kindness to those around us. Let’s all practice even more this week.
Remember I miss and love you all.
Here are some more songs you could practice: