Brother Nathan Logan
Executive Secretary
Recently our family spent some time up on cedar mountain. We had a ton of fun, and it was so good to get the kids out of the house and away from the 109 degree weather. The Weather was wonderful and there were no issues with bugs. We had tin foil dinners that had all the great ingredients, and waiting for that food while you can hear the sizzle in those foil rolls of goodness was bittersweet. Finally the time came when the food was ready and it was time to eat, and instantly from all creation came the flies. We had the extremes, some were so small you could barely notice them, and then we had flies the size of a small house cat...okay maybe that's a little bit of an exaggeration, but they were huge, and everywhere. We had to eat with one hand constantly fanning the flies away, while the other hand brought the food to our mouths. Of course the food was good and worth all the work. All the while we joked that we could stand the little flies cause at least we could pretend it was pepper with a little bit of the jitters, while the huge flies coming close to our food was just gross. Finally, Cheyenne's mom had one of the kids light this candle that she had brought up with them and within a minute all the flies just left.
Crazy that something so small and unassuming as a candle could keep that mass of bugs away.
Because I knew I would be sharing a spiritual thought I really thought about that attack of flies and how that could translate to life. I think we all have sins and bad habits in our life, some are large and some to us may seem so insignificant that we are ok with them getting into our life and just pretending they aren’t even there. While some of the bigger “flies” we swat away and try to keep away because for real they are just Gross! But no matter how hard we try to keep them away I am certain that without divine help, or a candle, we will eventually fail at keeping these things away from our lives and slowly allow them to just become a part of us or just little peppers.
Brothers and Sisters I know we are all trying and it can seem hopeless at times and the reality is it may always appear to be that way, unless we invite the savior, repentance, and forgiveness into our lives. We need daily scripture study and prayer, we need spiritual things to take the center stage in our lives to keep the flies of life at bay. I know we all have struggles but I also know we are not left here helpless. We can, with our Heavenly Father's help, become the men and women he wants us to be. I invite you all to join me this week to prayerfully consider and consult with our Heavenly Father and identify what flies have snuck into our lives and pray for the strength to remove them.