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Updating your information 

in the Tools app

1- Open your Tools app

Tools App.png

2-Select the 3 lines on the left menu bar.


Your Name....

3- It may be directly under your picture asking for an update.... 

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4- Select the option present and update your information...

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OR... it may be a red circle with a pencil at the bottom of the page.

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Please update all of your CONTACT information. Your individual cell phone number and email as well as your household phone number and email.


Update your PHOTOS , you can also update your PRIVACY Settings.

You can upload a Personal picture & a picture of your family (household).

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You can also select who you would like to see your information.

Members of your Stake that are LOGGED INTO thier account are the ONLY ones that can see your information. You can choose 3 Levels of Privacy.

1- STAKE Visibility (any member of the Washigton Utah Stake)

2- WARD Visibility (ONLY members of your current ward)

3- Private - Leadership only (Only current Stake and Ward members in a Leaderhip callings)

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This is not an official website of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

All Contents are © 2024 by Washington 11th Ward.

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