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As we prepare

Updated: May 23, 2020

President Noel Jackson

Stake Presidency First Counselor

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We miss seeing you in our worship services and in other meetings and gatherings and shaking your hands and expressing our appreciation to you in person. Please know we care for you , we love you.

Because we are not able to see you as we have in the past we hope everyone is taking the opportunity to study from 'Come, Follow Me' each week. We are so blessed to have such a resource to assist in our studies, especially of the Book of Mormon this year.

Recently we've read about a group of people that separated from the people of Nephi, the people of Zeniff, and their struggles.

We've read about Zeniff's son, Noah and the havoc he wrecked on the people and the Lord sending Abinadi.

We've read Abinadi's testimony of Jesus Christ and His atonement for all and of Abinadi's subsequent death by fire.

We've read about Alma, at that time one of Noah's priests, believing the teachings of Abinadi and fleeing.

This week we read of Alma's continued teaching of Abinadi's words in private to others, baptisms, and then being warned by the Lord, fleeing with those converted to Christ through the teaching's of Abinadi.

We read of Noah's death by fire (as prophesied by Abinadi) and his son, Limhi, having the kingdom conferred upon him.

We read of these two separate groups of people, the people of Limhi and the people of Alma and the Lamanite's involvement and oppression on both of these groups.

There are many lessons to be learned from both of these situations, this is where I find one for my life. Two distinct ways the Lord answer our prayers:

Limhi - Mosiah 22

1 - And now it came to pass that Ammon and king Limhi began to consult with the people how they should deliver themselves out of bondage; and even they did cause that all the people should gather themselves together; and this they did that they might have the voice of the people concerning the matter.

9 - And it came to pass that the king hearkened unto the words of Gideon.

Alma - Mosiah 24

16 - And it came to pass that so great was their faith and their patience that the voice of the Lord came unto them again, saying: Be of good comfort, for on the morrow I will deliver you out of bondage.

In Alma's and his people's case the answer to their prayers was direct intervention from the Lord. In Limhi's and his people's it was through others.

In this time of uncertainty and concern I know the Lord is aware of each of us. I know the Lord hears our heartfelt and sincere pleas for help. I know his assistance comes as is best for us. Sometimes it's direct intervention and often it's through others. Here is another amazing thing, as we prepare for the onset of summer, this change of season, now is the time we can be those 'others' who can help bring comfort and relief to our neighbors, to those who we minister to. Let the Spirit guide you as you seek inspiration on how to minister to others. I know the Lord will bless and care for his people as we strive to do those things he's asked, as we keep our covenants, as we take upon us His name, always remember Him and keep His commandments, and serve others.

I love you, I appreciate all you do and are doing.

President Jackson

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