Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Today we have the opportunity to reflect on our mothers, and the impact that these wonderful women have had in our lives.
I remember the countless sacrifices my mother made for my sister and me. She worked many hours outside the home, went to school at night, and cleaned, cooked, and did laundry in the weekends. She never stopped. She is a hard worker, and I can now more fully appreciate what she went through for my sister and me. I love her very much, and even though we are separated by more than 6,000 miles, I feel close to her.
Today, I see my beautiful wife do those same things for our children. Her life is dedicated to the happiness of our children. When I look into Jennae’s eyes, I see unconditional love. I see her desire to set her own comforts and desires aside to ensure that our family is first. She has taught me so much about love.
Dear sisters of our stake, I believe you all can relate to my mother and Sister Carnavale. I have seen your dedication and love for your family. We all live in different circumstances and have different challenges, but I know that you are doing the best you can do to be the best mother you can be. Remember to enlist the Lord’s help in your sacred work, and your efforts will ALWAYS BE ENOUGH to Him. All that the Lord expects of us is to try our best! Our best is an individual characteristic that is not to be measured or compared with someone else’s. It is between you and your Heavenly Father
Elder Holland said: “…one young mother wrote: through the thick and the thin of this, and through the occasional tears of it all, I know deep down inside I am doing God’s work. I know that in my motherhood I am in an eternal partnership with Him. I am deeply moved that God finds His ultimate purpose and meaning in being a parent, even if some of His children make Him weep.” Dear sisters, you have a Holy calling. All callings and responsibilities we have in this life pales in comparison with your calling as a mother.
I am also cognizant that the topic of motherhood can be a difficult subject for many faithful and willing sisters of our stake, wards, and families. Some of you dear sisters have not had the blessing of being a mother because of conditions that are beyond your abilities. Our Creator has a plan for each of us, and it is unknown to us why some will have the opportunity to experience motherhood in this life while others won’t. But this is what we know. We know that we have a Heavenly Father who loves his daughters perfectly. In His plan, there is no pre-requisite for an earthly motherhood experience to qualify for an eternal family with offspring in the Celestial kingdom. Sisters, remain faithful to the covenants you have made in the temple, and the Lord will fill your existence with all the wonderful joys that seem to be absent at the moment. I have taken comfort in a revelation given to the prophet Joseph Smith while he was imprisoned in Liberty jail: “…let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God,…
Sisters, may the Lord continue to be your constant companion through your journey in this life. Enjoy every moment with your family. Also, remember the promise the Savior made to the woman with the issue of blood, “Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace.” (Luke 8:48).
Happy Mothers day to ALL of YOU sisters!
Love you Brothers and Sisters, I miss seeing you!
Pres. Carnavale
