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Faith and Truth

Writer's picture: washington11thwardwashington11thward

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

I have been invited to share a message with you this week. I wrote this email once already buy I took so long....I timed out and the message wouldn't send. I had to refresh the page and lost everything so I really hope I can share my thoughts more quickly this second time around and not time out again! It really wasn't that long....just took me a long time between pondering!

I've had family members leave the covenant path in a crisis of faith. I've had friends ask WHY does God require us to walk by faith? Why did we have a veil drawn? Why couldn't we retain memory of our premortal existence? Why can't we have tangible proof of the Book of Mormon?

I recently watched a video presentation suggesting that there can be no truth in religion or there would be no contradiction. That TRUTH is ALWAYS universally accepted such as a simple math equation. For example 2+2=4 no matter where you live or what your culture, but the concept of God varies greatly from culture to culture. Therefore, this video suggests, any concept of God is void of truth.

This concept has weighed heavily on my heart because it is a spiritually dangerous thought process to embrace. There ARE TRUTHS that are universally accepted! But there are also TRUTHS that are debated and distorted. Those truths that are universally accepted generally do not require anything from those who accept them. They are facts that define, but not necessarily guide.

TRUTHS that are debated and sometimes distorted generally DO require action from those who accept them. These are truths that are given to us to GUIDE our lives, and when some don't want to accept that GUIDANCE all they have to do is choose not to believe it's true and they are free to define their own path. THAT CHOICE TO NOT BELIEVE DOES NOT NEGATE THE TRUTH! Truth is eternal whether you choose to believe it or not!

So how, then, do we discern the truth when there are so many contradicting theologies? By going to the source! By asking the author of all truth! God! Read His word, and ask!

"And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; AND IF YE SHALL ASK WITH A SINCERE HEART, WITH REAL INTENT, HAVING FAITH IN CHRIST, he will manifest the TRUTH of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the TRUTH of all things." The key is to ask with sincerity! Why do you want to know? What is your intent? Are you willing to allow the TRUTH to change your heart? Do you have the FAITH to follow the Savior and turn your will over to Him and do as He asks? Or are you looking for excuses to dismiss any responsibility for your choices? GOD IS TRUTH. HE IS EVEN THE AUTHOR OF 2+2=4. But THAT particular truth doesn't have anything to do with our salvation. There is a very real adversary who doesn't want us to know the truth. He is very cunning and distorts the truth into numerous variations so as to cause such confusion that the casual seeker will never really know.

I am so very grateful for the Holy Ghost who truly does testify of truth and clears the confusion. I'm grateful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ restored on the earth to guide us in paths of eternal happiness. I still don't know the answer to all the why's, but I believe faith is an integral part of the Plan of Salvation. I think our agency would be compromised if we retained a full recollection of our pre-mortal existence. No, it's not always easy to live by, and no, I'm not perfect nor do I know anyone who professes the same knowledge I have who IS perfect. That's why above all I am grateful for a loving Savior who strengthens me, comforts me, forgives me, and guides me. I love Him with all my heart! AND THAT'S THE TRUTH!!!!!

In President Nelson's last conference address entitled "Christ is Risen; Faith in Him Will Move Mountains", he said "Everything good in life--every potential blessing of eternal significance--begins with faith....And yet, exercising faith can seem overwhelming. At times we may wonder if we can possible muster enough faith to receive the blessings that we so desperately need.....Do not minimize the faith you already have. It takes faith to join the Church and remain faithful. It takes faith to follow prophets rather than pundits and popular opinion. It takes faith to serve a mission during a pandemic. It takes faith to live a chaste life when the world shouts that God's law of chastity is now outmoded. It takes faith to teach the gospel to children in a secular world. It takes faith to plead for the life of a loved one and even more faith to accept a disappointing answer." He offers 5 suggestions on how to increase our faith so that we may more fully tap into the powers of heaven in our lives!

I pray we will frequently review President Nelson's remarks and strengthen our faith that it may sustain us in the troubling times ahead. Thanks for reading my thoughts. Sorry if it was long-winded. I love you all! We are so blessed to live in such a wonderful stake family! Thank you for all your goodness!

Much love,

Carmella DiNardi

Stake Relief Society President

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