Dear Brothers and Sisters: We hope you all have had a blessed opportunity this day to honor your mothers and celebrate the sacred role of women of God. The homepage of the church website has a link to the October 2015 General Conference talk given by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland entitled, “Behold Thy Mother.”
Below is a link to another of my favorite talks about mothers. It comes from the October 2001 General Relief Society meeting talk given by Sheri L. Dew entitled, “Are We Not All Mother’s.”
This week in our Come, Follow Me studies, we've had the opportunity to study in Doctrine and Covenants section 46-48. I found it interesting that during the week that we returned to our regular 2-hour block schedule, the study guide opens with a statement about how “meetings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints should be among the most welcoming and inspiring gatherings in the world.”
And then continues with the following questions:
How does the Lord counsel us in Doctrine and Covenants 46:1–6 to receive those who attend our meetings?
Do your friends and people in your neighborhood feel welcome at your ward’s worship services?
What are you doing to make your Church meetings places that people want to return to?
These statements and questions do not come coincidentally with the events taking place in our lives. We have a loving Heavenly Father who knows the end from the beginning and we can exercise faith that all things are done according to His will and on His timetable. As we return to our regularly scheduled meetings in person, may we follow the counsel to ponder how our efforts to follow the Holy Ghost in Church meetings can affect our experience and invite our friends and neighbors to do the same. Joel Beckstrand
Stake Presidency Second Counselor.