Brother Lee Tippetts
Sunday School President
Early in his career Elder Dale G. Renlund was a busy intern at a Baltimore Hospital. His schedule was so hectic that much of the time he could not always attend church with his family. He had always felt a burning testimony of Christ's living reality but started to realize that the intensity was not there.
He soon realized what was wrong. He had stopped consistently doing some personal and private acts of devotion. His routine would be to get up in the morning, say a prayer, and go to work. Sometimes there would be no distinction between the end of the day and beginning of the next. On the second day he would come home late and fall asleep with no prayer and no scripture reading. The following day the cycle started again. He said he had allowed his receptors for God's love to become dull, so that the things of the Spirit were less urgent and less important
With the Lord's help by asking for forgiveness and through prayer Brother Renlund came up with an action plan to get back on track. He started his morning and night prayers no matter what, how little or where. He got a Book of Mormon he could carry with him where ever he went to keep up with his reading. He also committed himself to never miss the Sacrament.
During this time when it seems like the days and the weeks are the same as the one before. Where our activity and church attendance and partaking of the sacrament has been quite limited, our spiritual receptors to God's love might be suffering as well. May we take action ourselves so we can find our spiritual receptors for God's love for us working again.