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Stake Message

Dear Brothers and Sisters, I have the privilege of serving as the Stake Young Women's President. This calling allows me to participate in a monthly Stake Council meeting. I've heard many high council speakers start their talk off saying that they bring the love of the Stake Presidency, but it wasn't until being able to work closely with the Stake Presidency that I understood how truly they do love and care for each one of us. The service they give is to help strengthen each one of us. As I sit in these meetings with the Stake Presidency at the head of the table, and the High Council surrounding them, I can't help but think, this is what it looks like as the First Presidency is surrounded by the Quorum of the Twelve. It gives me great comfort knowing whom we are being led by here on the earth at this time. A quote by President Thomas S. Monson reads "Rather than being judgmental or critical of one another, may we have the pure love of Christ for our fellow travelers in this journey through life. May we recognize that each one is doing their best to deal with the challenges which come their way, and may we strive to do OUR best to help out."

We have so many opportunities to judge those around us, but that is not what we are here to do. I am constantly reminded of the bumper sticker President Uchtdorf saw that said "don't judge me because I sin differently than you". Just because one commandment is simple for you to obey, no matter what it is, does not mean it's simple for someone else. I'm sure there's a commandment that you struggle with, that's simple for another. There have been times in my life where I was much more judge mental of others, and oh how I regret it. I'm far from perfect in this area still, but it is something I am constantly working on. As I have prayed for help with this in my life, I have realized how hard it is to love someone that you are judging. If you truly love someone, you will not judge them.

The largest influence in my life on not judging others have been the many teenagers in my life. I'm not sure if it's because they're more aware of the temptations and challenges they each face, or because they realize it's not helpful for anyone. The sooner we all realize each one of us is going through hard things, and we're each doing the best with what we've been given, the happier we'll each be. Growing up I saw others struggle, and face challenges, but I know they don't compare at all to the challenges of today. Our youth are amazing, and are facing challenges we could never imagine. Yes, there are times they'll slip and fall, but it will only make them stronger and more prepared for tougher roads ahead. Our youth do not need to be judged, they need to be loved unconditionally.

Attending girls camp this year was the first time I had to spend one on one time with some of our young women, since being called into the stake. I was so happy to see; young women going out of their way to make sure others were included, friendship and love being shown, and how accepting they all were of each other. Because we camped together as stake leaders, the young women in our camp were from each of the different wards. Some were friends, some were acquaintances, and some did not know each other at all. At the end of the 5 days, many had new friends, and all were better acquainted. I think the thing that impressed me the most, was that these young women weren't worried about what others were wearing, what their hair looked like, or if they had known them before. They were there to serve the other Young Women, make sure they were having fun, and help strengthen testimonies. They each did this, and in turn they themselves had fun, and their testimonies were also strengthened. Because they were showing true love, there was no time to judge.

As a parent of five children, we are now down to our last teenager at home. The amount I have learned from number one to number five is immeasurable. My biggest regret as a parent is not always showing the love I felt, and letting my kids know they could talk to me about anything without being judged. The difference this makes to a relationship is invaluable. Knowing you can talk to someone and not only not be judged, but loved even more because they know a little of what you're going through is priceless. There are times when we may not want, or be ready to talk to a loved one, but we can ALWAYS turn to our Heavenly Father and our Savior Jesus Christ.

We're not commanded to make sure anyone else keeps the commandments. Our only commandment is to love.

It has been said that if we could each throw our trials into a basket and read each one, we'd want our own back. I'd like to add, that I hope we would also be more loving, and less judge mental, and more understanding, realizing that others are doing their best, just as you are. I know that as we pray to be more understanding of others, and as we show love to them, our hearts will be softened, and we will be happier.

Sister Dinsmore Stake Young Women President

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