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The Eternal Perspective of the Gospel

Writer's picture: washington11thwardwashington11thward

Elder Hamaua Blake Tui'one

Missionary Serving in the Washington Utah Stake

August 23rd 10:30 Sacrament Meeting

What is an Eternal Perspective? Eternal is forever, quite similar to our Heavenly Father so basically eternal perspective is God’s perspective. As defined by Elder Rafael E Pino of the Seventy, “Perspective is the way we see things when we look at them from a certain distance, and it allows us to appreciate their true value.” When we take a look at things from a certain distance, in this case God’s distance, we can see things a little differently and begin to value them more. Sometimes perspectives are conditional, sometimes we have it other times we don't. For example; when I was on my previous mission and I found out we were coming home, initially I wasn't very happy, but when I look back at what has happened since then I know that I wasn't meant to finish my mission there. Even the months I spent at home had a purpose. Taking a look at the bigger picture of things, or in other words looking at things with an eternal perspective, we can realize the purpose of it all. As we strive to gain this eternal perspective there are a few points we can take a look at to help us better have an Eternal Perspective.

1. God is our Loving Heavenly Father

God loves us so very much. Indeed he is our Loving Heavenly Father. This is one of the most key points of our existence. We wouldn't be here if he didn't love us. As we try to understand that he loves us we will be able to see that the trials we face in our lives are meant to strengthen us. God knows everything and can see everything; however, we sometimes tend to only see what is right in front of us (myself included.) One prophet in the Book of Mormon who had an Eternal Perspective was Nephi. In 1 Nephi 11:17 we read, “.. I know that he loveth his children; nevertheless, I do not know the meaning of all things.” Here is Nephi, one of the great prophets of the Book of Mormon, testifying that even though he didn’t know everything, he knew that God loves us.

2. Plan of Salvation

One of the things God did to show us that he loves us is the creation of the Plan of Salvation. God created this plan for us that we may become like him. “Understanding this plan of happiness provides us with an eternal perspective and helps us to truly value the commandments, the ordinances, the covenants, and the trials and tribulations.” (Elder Rafael E Pino) When we take a step back to look at the plan, and see the big picture, we may come to realize the things we may be experiencing are for our benefit. This is hard especially in a time like today. There are so many things that are challenging our faith and hope. Satan is trying so hard to keep us from seeing the bigger picture, so he puts distractions and problems right in front of us. God's plan is perfect, he knows that Satan is trying to stop us and he always provides us with a way that we can conquer our trials and tribulations

3. Faith and Trust

As we begin to understand that God Loves us and that his plan is for us, then we can begin to exercise faith and trust in him. In the Book of Mormon, a prophet that shows this true faith and trust in the Lord was Abinadi. Understanding the plan of salvation and what was required of us, Abinadi testified of King Noah's wickedness and called the Nephites unto repentance. Of course, they weren't too happy to hear of their sins and wished to kill him. Abinadi withstood the questions and deceitfulness of King Noah's priests. He then continues in Mosiah 13:9, "But I finish my message; then it matters not whither I go, if it so be that I am saved." Abinadi had the faith in the Lord to know that as he did what the Lord asked of him then he would be saved, and he trusted that the Lord would protect him. We too must strive to have that faith and trust in the Lord in order to have an eternal perspective. Knowing that what trials or afflictions we may have are only temporary. That we may know, at the last day the Lord will reward us for our efforts. 

4. Commandments

With an eternal perspective we begin to understand the commandments and why the Lord gives us commandments. As Elder Pino stated, "understanding the plan will help people keep the commandments, make better decisions, and have the right motivation." I've experienced this a few times in my life. When I was young, meaning right before my mission, there were a lot of rules that my parents set that I was expected to keep. I didn't care to understand why I was given these rules so naturally, I chose to disobey them more often than not. Anytime my parents counseled me I would pick and choose the things I wanted to do and the things I didn't. When I was about a year out on mission I was asking my parents for advice and I told them, "why didn't you tell me any of these things before I left on my mission?" They replied, "we did, you just didn't want to listen." Like rules, unless we take a step back to look at the bigger picture, we don't understand the Commandments the Lord has given us. Sometimes leading us to disobey them. President Spencer W. Kimball wrote the following: “If we looked at mortality as the whole of existence, then pain, sorrow, failure, and short life would be calamity. But if we look upon life as an eternal thing stretching far into the premortal past and on into the eternal post-death future, then all happenings may be put in proper perspective.” When we put things of our life into proper perspective we begin to understand the why of it all. The things we go through are challenging. At times to a point where we think we may break. But "the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them." (1 Nephi 3:7) I testify that as we strive to gain an eternal perspective we will feel more joy, an eternal joy and happiness in our lives. As we strive to take the things that we learn in the scriptures and apply it into our lives then we may come closer to our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. They love us and will bless us. I leave these things with you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. 

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