President Noel Jackson
Stake Presidency First Counselor
Washington Stake Presidency
Brothers and Sisters, God bless you! It's always such a pleasure to take time and share a message. It's our prayer, as we do so, that you will feel and know our love for you and especially feel and know the love our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have for you. As we continue during these times of uncertainty, may you feel the peace that comes from our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ through the comforting power of the Holy Ghost.
Several week ago the message I shared was the Rock of our Redeemer and mentioned the wise man and foolish man and what they had built their houses on and the results of those choices. This week in our Come, Follow Me studies we've had the opportunity to study the words of Christ to those who remained in the land following the destruction among the Lamanites and Nephites during the time from His death to His resurrection in the land of Israel.
We read the sermon he had given while in Jerusalem, on the mount, He's also given to those who were in the land Bountiful. We read about removing the beam from our eye before we can see clearly to "cast the mote out" of our brother's eye and how we should ask, seek and knock and what happens when we do.
At the end of 3 Nephi 14 we read of His teachings of the wise man building his house upon a rock and the foolish upon the sand. I love this metaphor and the constant reminder of how important it is for us to build our house upon a firm foundation, upon a rock, upon our Savior, Jesus Christ and His gospel. We see it every day, these metaphoric rains descend, floods come, winds blow and beat upon our testimony, upon our faith. With that sure foundation we can weather the storms and our house will not fall, our conversion will stand.
I'm thankful for the rock we have to build upon, Jesus Christ. I know he lives. I love Him. I know the storms of life will continue yet I know we can weather these storms as we strive to keep our foundation built on Him. He will help us through the challenges we face. He will bring comfort to our aching and broken hearts. He will heal the wounds of sin as we humbly approach him through repentance. Because of Him we will be raised in eternal glory with Him and our Heavenly Father as we endure to the end. We can do this and we can do this together, as families and as fellow saints. God bless you! President Jackson